Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lunch @IOI Mall with Imogen Baden Powell & Zainudin

We decided to explore the new wing at IOI Mall ...finaly we had lunch at Papa Johns !

Not bad, Imogen had great time shopping at Daiso the Japanese store...most of the time we find things from china but this store is unique -all from Japan (The first store in M'sia probably)...

Farewell to Imogen !

Interesting person-quick info: She is from UK - senior lecturer at University of Portsmouth. She comes every year to M'sia for summer holidays, speaks fluent Malay & I have known her for 3 years...& have you joined scouts before ? If you have then, checkout her surname-yeah she is the grandchild of the founder of scouts - Baden Powell!...hope to see her again next year !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was the au pair girl of Mrs Baden Powell 30 years ago and I would like to get news from her and her 2 children Peter & Andrew.

With her agreement could you give me her email address or send mine to her is my business address.

Thank you for your help,

Best Regards,